Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Choosing Books for kids

A dear friend of mine reminded me of the time when Saanvi was a baby and I would try to read a book to her and she would be interested in chewing it. I was left wondering whether I am choosing the right books for her or not? Or what should I do to get her interested in books? For that matter even toys. But that's a different discussion for a later time maybe.

She would be interested in pictures in the books but not for more than few seconds. Soft books were a good substitute for teether I believe. Hard cover books also got chewed on. But there were some books that caught her attention more than others.
  • Pop-Up books... With clear and really big pop-up images.. Eye-Catching is the imp. word.

The Very Lazy Lion

(Please click on the link above to see the inside of the book)

  • Noise making books... Not too noisy or distracting, but Interactive books with clear visual and sound associations.  
                                                               Little Cricket's Song

                                                                    Noisy Peekaboo

There could be tons of more recommendations but these are some my daughter liked.
I do believe that every age has a different requirement and every kid has a different sensibility, so some book might or might not work for your kid. However these are some simple points that most kids respond well too (I am not making these up, I did research and surveyed teachers and parents)..

One of the things we all worry about is How we should get our kid excited about books, and what are right kinds of books for what age. Here a few links to help us understand that from

How to get Kids excited about books:
Recommendations for Best Books age by age:
 A few great articles on Raising Readers:
My suggestions:
  • Make it fun.
  • Be dramatic, act out while reading books.
  • Make crazy sounds appropriate to the character or animal in the book.
  • If kid gets bored move on, do not push him/her.
  • Maintain a routine, familiarity to a routine helps kids interested and excited about reading or activities.
  • Enjoy spending time with you kid, don't fret if he/she doesn't wanna read.

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